VIzomitin / Mitochondria-targeted plastoquinone derivatives as tools to interrupt execution of the aging program. 4. Age-related eye disease. SkQ1 returns vision to blind animals

Mitotech Skq1 Vizomitin
25 min readMay 12, 2021



doi 10.1134/S0006297908120043

Mitochondriatargeted cationic plastoquinone derivative SkQ1 (10(6′plastoquinonyl) decyltriphenylphospho nium) has been investigated as a potential tool for treating a number of ROSrelated ocular diseases. In OXYS rats suffering from a ROSinduced progeria, very small amounts of SkQ1 (50 nmol/kg per day) added to food were found to prevent devel opment of ageinduced cataract and retinopathies of the eye, lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation in skeletal mus cles, as well as a

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decrease in bone mineralization. Instillation of drops of 250 nM SkQ1 reversed cataract and retinopathies in 312monthold (but not in 24monthold) OXYS rats. In rabbits, experimental uveitis and glaucoma were induced by immunization with arrestin and injections of hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose to the eye anterior sector, respectively. Uveitis was found to be prevented or reversed by instillation of 250 nM SkQ1 drops (four drops per day). Development of glauco ma was retarded by drops of 5 µM SkQ1 (one drop daily). SkQ1 was tested in veterinarian practice. A totally of 271 animals (dogs, cats, and horses) suffering from retinopathies, uveitis, conjunctivitis, and cornea diseases were treated with drops of 250 nM SkQ1. In 242 cases, positive therapeutic effect was obvious. Among animals suffering from retinopathies, 89 were blind. In 67 cases, vision returned after SkQ1 treatment. In ex vivo studies of cultivated posterior retina sector, it was found that 20 nM SkQ1 strongly decreased macrophagal transformation of the retinal pigmented epithelial cells, an effect which might explain some of the above SkQ1 activities. It is concluded that low concentrations of SkQ1 are promising in treating retinopathies, cataract, uveitis, glaucoma, and some other ocular diseases.

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Abbreviations: MDA, malondialdehyde; ROS, reactive oxygen species; RPE, retinal pigmented epithelium; SkQs, cationic derivatives of plastoquinone or methyl plastoquinone; SkQ1, 10(6′plastoquinonyl) decyltriphenylphosphonium. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. As reported in the preceding papers [13], very small amounts of mitochondriatargeted plastoquinone deriva tives (SkQs) show pronounced antioxidant effects on model membranes, isolated mitochondria, and cell cul tures. In the latter case, strong antiapoptotic and anti necrotic effects were observed in situations when cell death was induced or mediated by reactive oxygen species (ROS) [1]. It was also found that several agerelated pathologies (arrhythmia, heart and kidney infarctions, stroke, p53controlled lymphomas, and certain other types of cancer) can be successfully treated by SkQs in animals [2, 3]. In this paper, we shall continue the latter approach when studying agerelated, ROSmediated ocular dis eases. In fact, retina is a tissue of the the highest risk of the ROSinduced damage since (i) it contains high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids, a very good target for ROS, (ii) it is exposed to light producing such ROS as singlet oxygen, and (iii) oxygen concentration in retina is near arterial, i.e. much higher than in the great majority of other tissues (in spite of the fact that retina is a tissue of highest respiratory activity) [4]. There are numerous indications of a crucial role of ROS in the main agerelated ocular pathologies, i.e. retinopathies (maculodystrophy [5, 6], retinitis pigmen tosa [7, 8], hereditary optic neuropathy [9]), as well as glaucoma [10, 11], cataract [12, 13], and autoimmune uveitis [14, 15]. Polyunsaturated fatty acids in mitochon drial cardiolipin are first of all attacked by mitochondria produced ROS that are quenched by SkQs [1]. This is why the abovelisted pathologies attracted our attention as a possible field of therapeutic application of SkQs. Here we shall describe certain results obtained when animals suf fering from retinopathies, cataract, uveitis, glaucoma, and some other eye diseases were treated with SkQ.

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MATERIALS AND METHODS Studies with OXYS rats. Lipid peroxidation and pro tein carbonylation in skeletal muscles of OXYS and Wistar rats were investigated as described in refs. [16] and [17], respectively. Mineralization of vertebra and bones of extremities were measured with a LUNAR ExpertXL Xray bone densitometer. Measurements of activity of cytochrome P450 isoforms. Microsomes were isolated from OXYS rat livers perfused by solution of 1.15% KCl and 20 mM TrisHCl, pH 7.4. The perfused liver was homogenized in solution of the same composition. Supernatant obtained after lowspeed centrifugation of homogenate was centrifuged at 100,000g for 1 h. Sediment of microsomes was suspended in 0.1 M potassium phosphate, pH 7.4, supplemented with 20% glycerol. Levels of the P450 isoforms CYP1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2B + CYP2C, and CYP2B1 were fluorometrically measured as a rate of formation of resorufin from 7 ethoxyresorufin, 7methoxyresorufin, 7benzoxyre sorufin, and 7penthoxyresorufin, respectively [18]. Ophthalmoscopic studies of OXYS and Wistar rats were carried out with a Betta ophthalmoscope, an Opton fun duscamera, and a ShinNippon SL45 slit lamp. Degree of cataract was estimated as follows: 1 arbitrary unit (a.u.), certain lens area of slightly decreased transparen cy; 2 a.u., certain area of strongly decreased transparen cy; 3 a.u., strong decrease in transparency of the whole lens cortex and/or nucleus. As to retinopathy, also three major stages of retinal damage were distinguished, namely, 1 a.u., appearance of drusen and other pathological changes in the retinal pig mented epithelium (RPE) and a partial atrophy of a choroid capillary layer; 2 a.u., exudative detachment of RPE and of retinal neuroepithelium, further choroid cap illary layer atrophy; 3 a.u., neovascularization and exuda tivehemorrhagic

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detachment of RPE and neuroepitheli um; scarring. Studies of experimental uveitis. Arrestin purification. Bovine retinal outer segments were prepared from retinas following Wilden and Kuhn [19]. Arrestin was purified by specific binding of this protein to phosphorylated and photoactivated rhodopsin [20], followed by chromato graphic separations on a DEAEcellulose column and on a Mono Q column [21]. Immunization of rabbits with arrestin. Arrestin solu tion (1 ml in PBS, 0.8 mg/ml) was emulsified with equal volume of Freund’s complete adjuvant (Sigma, USA) and inoculated into 6monthold New Zealand white rabbits. The second inoculation was performed on day 30. Animals treated with Freund’s adjuvant served as a con trol. After immunization, blood samples were taken from the rabbits and production of antibody was measured using an ELISA test. Measurement of nitrate level in the aqueous humor of anterior sector. Nitric oxide was determined using a spec trophotometric assay based on the Griess reaction. Briefly, 100 µl samples of the aqueous humor of the eye anterior sector were mixed with 1% sulfanilamide and 0.1% naphthyl ethylenediamine. After 10 min incubation at room temperature, we determined the concentration of nitrate in the mixture by measuring absorbance at 550 nm and comparing this value with absorbance of standard solutions of sodium nitrate. SkQ treatment. SkQ1 was dissolved in a solution con taining 10 mM potassium phosphate (pH 6.5) and 0.9% NaCl. Drops of the SkQ1 solution were instillated to one of rabbit’s eyes (four times per day). Studies of experimental glaucoma. Experimental glaucoma was induced by 10 injections (two injections per week) of 0.1 ml viscoelastic Celoftal (2% hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose) to anterior sector of the both eyes of a rabbit [22]. To the right eye, Vetomitin, a pharmaceutical form of SkQ1, was daily instilled whereas the left eye was used as a control to the SkQ1 treatment. Among rabbits treated with SkQ1, four animals obtained drops containing 5 µM SkQ1. Other four rabbits obtained 25 µM SkQ1. Before the first Celoftal injection, the eyes were investigated to measure parameters of the

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healthy animals. The following devices were used: a GlauTest60 eye tonograph, an AngiodinOphthalmo (Russia) ultrasonic ophthalmoscope, and a Cannon (Japan) funduscamera. Cultivation of rat eye posterior sector. Preparations of eye posterior sector were obtained from eyes of narcotized adult (23 months) Wistar rats (the treatment carried out according to bioethics regulations of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Procedures of obtaining, roller cultivation, fixation, as well as methods of investigation of the preparations are described in detail in [23]. Briefly, the eye anterior sector containing the cornea, iris, and lens was removed and two types of the remaining posteri or sector were used for roller cultivation. In one case, the posterior eye sector before cultivation was incubated for 35 times in 5 ml commercial DMEM medium with phe nol red, 3% Lglutamine, 4% gentamicin (medium A), and 10 mM EDTA. Afterward, neural retina was removed and the remaining part of the sector (i.e. RPE, choroid, and sclera) was used. In the other case, neural retina was not removed. In both cases, samples of the eye posterior sector were put into flasks containing medium A and 10% fetal calf serum with 20 nM SkQ1 or without SkQ1. Then the flasks were placed into a roller and cultivated in a dark sterile box at 60 rpm and 35.5°C for 7 or 14 days. The medium was not changed during the whole period of roller cultivation. After cultivation, the samples were fixed with 4% formaldehyde and Bouin’s solution. Serial 7µm crosssections (Reichert OME microtome) were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. To visualize macrophages, an antimacrophage antibody (Sigma) was applied. Images obtained were scrutinized using an Olympus AH3 microscope, a digital camera, and a com puter with Lite, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Excel, and Plot Calc program package

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RESULTS Prevention and reversal of agedependent cataract and retinopathy in OXYS rats. As a model for in vivo antioxidant effects of SkQs, we used OXYS rats, a strain suffering from constant oxidative stress [24]. In these rats, cataract and retinopathy were shown to appear as early as at threemonth age [2527]. In the first series of experiments, we investigated age dependent consequences of oxidative stress in OXYS rats, trying to abrogate them by means of SkQ1 added to their food. It was found (Fig. 1, a and b) that levels of lipid per oxidation (estimated by measuring malondialdehyde (MDA)) and oxidation (carbonylation) of proteins are higher in skeletal muscles of oneyearold Wistar rats than in threemonthold ones. The effect of age was even larg er in OXYS rats. Feeding with very small amount of SkQ1 (50 nmol/kg per day) resulted in a decrease in the lipid and protein oxidation levels. As to the mineral mass levels in vertebra and extremities, these parameters were lower in OXYS than in Wistar rats due to progeriainduced osteo porosis. Again, SkQ1 feeding proved to be favorable, increasing the mineral mass in OXYS rats (Fig. 2). Thus, the presented data show that SkQ1 is compe tent in preventing some consequences of oxidative stress in OXYS rats. Then an attempt was made to treat by SkQ1 eye diseases in OXYS rats. As experiments showed, addi tion of the same SkQ1 amounts to the food completely prevented development of cataract and retinopathy in OXYS rats up to age of two years (Fig. 3 (see color insert) and Table 1; see also Supplementary information, Figs. S1 and S21 ). Vitamin E added to the food was much less effective than SkQ1 (Fig. 4). It is remarkable that the SkQ1 effects were not accompanied by any induction of cytochromes P450 in liver (Table 2), in contrast to those of vitamin E (not shown). It was also found that instillations of drops of nanomolar SkQ1 significantly reverse pathological changes in middleage OXYS animals (Figs. 5 and 6). The latter effect was also observed in Wistar rats suffering from cataract (Figs. 5 and 6). In very old (more than 18 months) rats, neither cataract nor retinopathy was reversed by SkQ1 (not shown), although it still effectively prevented the diseases (Fig. 3, ac, see color insert). The

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above conclusion concerning preventive effect of SkQ1 on 24monthold OXYS rats was confirmed by histologi cal analysis of sections across the retina (Fig. 7; see color insert). The figure shows that in OXYS rats without SkQ1 the photoreceptor layer is absent, whereas OXYS rats receiving SkQ1 during all their life retained this layer. In old Wistar rats, the photoreceptor layer was present even without SkQ1. These results are in line with our observa tions that the electroretinogram disappeared in the majority of the 24monthold OXYS rats but was retained in OXYS rats with SkQ1 as well as in Wistar rats (Fig. 3c and Table 1). Reversal of an already developed retinopathy by SkQ1 drops was confirmed by electron microscopy data. As shown in Fig. 8 and Table 3, retinopathy in 11month old OXYS rats results in obliteration of choriocapillaries. This parameter is at least partially normalized after 1.5 month instillations of 250 nM SkQ1 (one drop daily). Reappearance of choriocapillaries in the presence of SkQ1 was accompanied with normalization of some other

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morphological features, i.e. distribution of lipofuscin granules in retinal pigment epithelial cells (Fig. S3, a and b) and disappearance of hernias formed due to disruption of Bruch’s membrane (Fig. S3c). Favorable effects of SkQ1 can disappear when it was added in excess. In skeletal muscles of OXYS rats, this occurred at 250 nmol SkQ1/kg per day (Fig. 1). In bones of the same rats, 250 nmol SkQ1 was still as effective as 50 nmol (Fig. 2). In eyes of OXYS rats, drops of 10 nM 1 µM SkQ1 were effective in reversal of cataract and retinopathy, 5 µM being ineffective. As to eyes of Wistar rats, even 25 µM SkQ1 was still of favorable activity (Figs. 5 and 6). The above relationships can be explained assum ing that (i) disappearance of therapeutic action of SkQ1 is due to prooxidant activity of its high concentrations [1] in OXYS rats suffering from constant oxidative stress. SkQ1 prevents and reverses blindness in experimental uveitis. Uveitis has also been shown to be mediated by mitochondrial ROS [25], so we tried to use SkQ1 for treat ment of this eye disease, too. To this end, a rabbit model

of experimental uveitis was investigated. Experimental uveitis was induced by immunization of the animal by a photoreceptorspecific protein, arrestin, which resulted in blindness. This effect was prevented and reversed by SkQ1 instillations (four drops of 250 nM SkQ1 per day; not shown). It was also found (Fig. 9) that the same SkQ1 treatment strongly inhibited formation of NO2 — and NO3 — in eyes of the uveitissuffering animals (under uveitis, these processes are known to be initiated by interaction of NO with О 2 [28, 29]). SkQ1 prevents development of experimental glauco ma in rabbits. In rabbits, experimental glaucoma was induced by a series of Celoftal instillations to the eye anterior sector. This resulted in appearance of such typi cal glaucoma features as an increase in intraocular pres sure (P0), a strong decrease in the aqueous humor outflow as well as in humor production (F), a strong rise of Bekker’s coefficient (BC), and some increase of the lens thickness (Table 4). Analysis of photographs obtained

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using a fundus camera revealed excavation of the optic disk (not shown). All these parameters were normalized if treatment with the glaucoma inducer was accompanied by instillation of drops of 5 µM SkQ1 solution. Higher (25 µM) (Table 4) and lower (0.25 µM; not shown) SkQ1 concentrations proved to be less efficient than 5 µM SkQ1. SkQ1 prevents macrophagal transformation of RPE and destruction of retina ex vivo. A number of retinopathies are known to be accompanied with a ROSmediated transformation of the retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells to macrophages that attack other retinal cells [29, 30]. If this process is arrested by SkQ1, this might explain, at least partially, the above described favorable effect of our compound upon certain retinopathies and uveitis. Macrophagal RPE cell transformation was studied in an ex vivo system, i.e. eye posterior sector obtained from twomonthold Wistar rats and cultivation in a sterile box for 7 (Fig. 10, a and c) or 14 (Fig. 10, b and d) days. As one can see in Fig. 10a, one week cultivation results in some loss of RPE cells, which was more pronounced in the center of the sector. Simultaneously, the number of macrophages was strongly increased (Fig. S4). Both these effects were strongly inhibited by 20 nM SkQ1 added to the cultivation medium. This action paralleled prevention of disappearance of the ganglion cells (Fig. 10c) and of inner nuclear layer of the photoreceptor cells (Fig. 10d). Veterinary practice experiment of application of SkQ1 to treat various animal ocular pathologies. Finally, SkQ1 was applied in veterinarian practice in cases when con ventional medical treatments failed. A total of 135 ani mals (dogs, cats, and horses) suffering from various retinopathies were treated daily with drops of 250 nM SkQ1. In 89 cases, the animals were completely blind before the treatment. Vision was returned to 67 of them (Table 5). There was not a single case when SkQ1 had an unfavorable effect or its efficiency declined in the course of the treatment time. Electroretinograms of a dog whose visual function was recovered by means of 250 nM SkQ1 instillations are shown in Fig. 11 (see color insert). The dog was blind because of inherited retinal dysplasia. As the figure shows, before the SkQ1 treatment there was practically no elec tric response to light. After 27 days of SkQ1 instillations, visual function was partially recovered and some electric response appeared. Even larger response was revealed on day 42 of the treatment, which was accompanied with further improvement of vision (for details, see Supplementary Information).


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Wayne IN,84, Evansville IN,59, Louisville KY,29, Chicago IL,5, Cincinnati OH,3, Lafayette IN,, Bowling Green KY,100, Lexington KY,74, Louisville KY,58, Charleston-Huntington WV,29, Evansville IN,27, Paducah KY-Cape Girardeau MO-Harrisburg-Mount Vernon IL,17, Cincinnati OH,7, Knoxville TN,4, Nashville TN,4, Tri-Cities TN-VA,4, Cataract surgery , Knoxville TN,100, Nashville TN,79, Jackson TN,77, Tri-Cities TN-VA,69, Chattanooga TN,65, Memphis TN,63, Gentamicin,+190%, Huntsville-Decatur (Florence) AL,100, Montgomery (Selma) AL,84, Birmingham AL,83, Dothan AL,75, Columbus GA,60, Mobile AL-Pensacola (Ft. Walton Beach) FL,42, Meridian MS,, Dayton OH,100, Cleveland-Akron (Canton) OH,85, Columbus OH,80, Toledo OH,79, Youngstown OH,75, Cincinnati OH,66, Wheeling WV-Steubenville OH,43, Parkersburg WV,37, Lima OH,35, Charleston-Huntington WV,23, Ft. Wayne IN,2, Zanesville OH,, Pilocarpine,Breakout, Saline, similasan eye drops, Dayton OH,100, Cleveland-Akron (Canton) OH,85, Columbus OH,80, Toledo OH,79, Youngstown OH,75, Cincinnati OH,66, Wheeling WV-Steubenville OH,43, Parkersburg WV,37, Lima OH,35, Charleston-Huntington WV,23, Ft. Wayne IN,2, Zanesville OH,, Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill WV,100, Charleston-Huntington WV,70, Clarksburg-Weston WV,67, Parkersburg WV,62, Wheeling WV-Steubenville OH,36, Washington DC (Hagerstown MD),2, Harrisonburg VA,, New York,100, New Jersey,99, New Hampshire,93, West Virginia,92, Arkansas,91, Tennessee,90, Alabama,89, Florida,89, Kansas,89, Texas,88, Virginia,87, South Carolina,87, Arizona,87, Louisiana,87, California,86, North Carolina,85, Kentucky,85, Connecticut,84, Nebraska,83, Maryland,83, Oklahoma,83, Michigan,82, Illinois,82, Georgia,82, Utah,81, Ohio,81, Nevada,81, Rhode Island,80, Pennsylvania,80, Wyoming,79, South Dakota,79, New Mexico,78, Missouri,78, Iowa,78, Hawaii,78, Mississippi,76, Colorado,75, Massachusetts,74, North Dakota,74, Indiana,73, Montana,73, Idaho,73, Washington,73, Oregon,73, Minnesota,72, Wisconsin,72, Maine,71, Delaware,68, Alaska,65, District of Columbia,53, Vermont,52, dry eye drops,100, best eye drops,97, pink eye eye drops,68, pink eye drops,68, systane,65, systane eye drops,64, pink eye,63, eye allergy drops,63, refresh,54, refresh eye drops,54, eye drops for dry eyes,51, lumify,44, lumify eye drops,42, pataday eye drops,40, red eye drops,39, eye drops for dogs,38, pataday,37, dog eye drops,35, over the counter eye drops,35, eye drops for pink eye,32, best dry eye drops,30, glaucoma eye drops,29, cvs eye drops,29, prednisolone eye drops,27, antibiotic eye drops,27, olopatadine eye drops otc,Breakout, pataday eye drops cvs,”+1,000%”, chloramphenicol eye drops,+500%, blink tears lubricating eye drops,+500%, refresh relieva eye drops,+450%, tobramycin eye drops for dogs,+350%, flarex eye drops,+350%, naphcon a eye drops,+300%, betimol eye drops,+250%, sananga eye drops,+250%, travoprost eye drops,+250%, allergy eye drops for kids,+250%, polymyxin b tmp eye drops,+250%, kids allergy eye drops,+250%, refresh tears lubricant eye drops,+200%, polyvinyl alcohol,+200%, zioptan eye drops,+190%, prolensa eye drops,+180%, pataday eye drops,+180%, ocuflox eye drops,+170%, liquid msm eye drops,+160%, inveltys eye drops,+140%, xiidra eye drops,+140%, polyvinyl alcohol eye drops,+130%, contact safe eye drops,+130%, Richmond-Petersburg VA,100, Charlottesville VA,85, Roanoke-Lynchburg VA,79, Harrisonburg VA,76, Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News VA,71, Washington DC (Hagerstown MD),42, Tri-Cities TN-VA,27, Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill WV,, Macon GA,100, Albany GA,67, Atlanta GA,60, Augusta GA,57, Savannah GA,43, Columbus GA,30, Tallahassee FL-Thomasville GA,29, Chattanooga TN,18, Dothan AL,9, Jacksonville FL,3, Tampa-St. Petersburg (Sarasota) FL,100, Ft. Myers-Naples FL,99, West Palm Beach-Ft. Pierce FL,95, Orlando-Daytona Beach-Melbourne FL,93, Miami-Ft. Lauderdale FL,89, Jacksonville FL,87, Panama City FL,86, Gainesville FL,84, Tallahassee FL-Thomasville GA,62, Mobile AL-Pensacola (Ft. Walton Beach) FL,58, Artificial tears,Breakout, Tobramycin / Dexamethasone,Breakout, Bausch + Lomb Soothe XP-Xtra Protection,Breakout, Nasal spray,Breakout, Belladonna,Breakout, Expiration date,Breakout, Meibomian gland,Breakout, Trimethoprim,Breakout, LASIK,Breakout, Ilevro,Breakout, Refresh Plus,Breakout, Walmart Vision & Glasses,Breakout, Prednisolone acetate,Breakout, Erythema,Breakout, Chloramphenicol,Breakout, Flurbiprofen,Breakout, Hydrocortisone,Breakout, Tears,+200%, Ofloxacin,+160%, Timolol,+120%, Itch,+90%, Ketotifen,+80%, Prednisolone,+60%, Olopatadine,+60%, Adverse effect,+40%, Johnstown-Altoona PA,100, Wilkes Barre-Scranton PA,87, Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York PA,81, Pittsburgh PA,78, Erie PA,68, Philadelphia PA,55, Elmira NY,26, Youngstown OH,13, Buffalo NY,1, TheraTears,Breakout, Prednisone,Breakout, Ocusoft Retaine MGD Complete Dry Eye Relief,Breakout, Artificial tears,Breakout, Lens,Breakout, Prescription drug,Breakout, Alrex,Breakout, Atropine,Breakout, Saline,Breakout, Corneal abrasion,Breakout, Eyewash,Breakout, Gland,Breakout, SYSTANE,+900%, Side effect,+350%, Visine,+250%, Itch,+250%, Preservative,+250%, Prednisolone,+250%, Pharmaceutical drug,+200%, Tears,+130%, Eye infection,+130%, Olopatadine,+120%, Ofloxacin,+50%, Over-the-counter drug,+40%, Eye,100, Eye drop,95, Drop,77, Dry eye syndrome,16, Dry eye,15, Allergy,10, Contact lens,8, Conjunctivitis,4, Preservative,4, Olopatadine,4, Prednisolone,3, Bausch + Lomb LUMIFY,3, Lens,3, Tears,3, Refresh,2, Ofloxacin,2, Ketotifen,2, Lubricant,2, Over-the-counter drug,2, Visine,2, Antihistamine,2, Infection,2, Cornea,2, Itch,2, Adverse effect,2, Cornea,Breakout, Can-C,Breakout, TheraTears,Breakout, Corneal abrasion,Breakout, Dorzolamide,Breakout, Can-C Lubricant Eye-Drops with Antioxidant N-Acetylcarnosine,Breakout, Dorzolamide / Timolol,Breakout, ICD-10,Breakout, Prescription drug,Breakout, TheraTears Lubricant Eye Drops,Breakout, Ocusoft Retaine MGD Complete Dry Eye Relief,Breakout, Dryness,Breakout, Refresh Tears,Breakout, Systane Preservative-Free Eye Drops,Breakout, Tacrolimus,Breakout, Macular degeneration,Breakout, Cetirizine,Breakout, Cromoglicic acid,Breakout, Fluorometholone,Breakout, Ciprofloxacin/dexamethasone,Breakout, Macula of retina,Breakout, Glaucoma surgery,Breakout, Lens,+150%, Preservative,+130%, Dry eye,+120%, dry eye drops,100, best eye drops,81, systane eye drops,49, allergy eye drops,47, pink eye drops,42, eye drops for dry eyes,38, refresh eye drops,31, prednisolone eye drops,30, lubricant eye drops,27, eye drops for dogs,25, zaditor eye drops,25, visine eye drops,25, eye drops for allergies,24, ofloxacin eye drops,24, eye drops for pink eye,24, best eye drops for dry eyes,22, preservative free eye drops,20, pataday eye drops,20, numbing eye drops,18, timolol eye drops,13, rohto eye drops,13, azelastine eye drops,13, antihistamine eye drops,13, restasis eye drops,11, ciprofloxacin,9, restasis eye drops,Breakout, zerviate eye drops,Breakout, rohto eye drops,+500%, numbing eye drops,+350%, moxifloxacin eye drops,+350%, pataday eye drops,+200%, timolol eye drops,+200%, eye drops for allergies,+190%, best eye drops for dry eyes,+160%, lubricant eye drops,+120%, lumigan eye drops,+110%, eye drops for dry eyes,+100%, dry eye drops,+100%, preservative free eye drops,+90%, prednisolone eye drops,+80%, zaditor eye drops,+70%, systane eye drops,+60%, best eye drops,+50%, eye drops for dogs,+50%, visine eye drops,+50%, azelastine eye drops,+50%, Burlington VT-Plattsburgh NY, Springfield-Holyoke MA,100, Boston MA-Manchester NH,82, Providence RI-New Bedford MA,26, Hartford & New Haven CT, Boston MA-Manchester NH,100, Burlington VT-Plattsburgh NY,65, Portland-Auburn ME,43, Bangor ME,100, Portland-Auburn ME,92, Presque Isle ME,

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United States / USA

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Alameda Albany Berkeley Dublin Emeryville Fremont Hayward Livermore Newark Oakland Piedmont Pleasanton San Leandro Union City Amador Ione Jackson Plymouth Sutter Creek Biggs Biggs Chico Gridley Oroville Paradise Angels Camp Colusa Williams Antioch Brentwood Clayton Concord Danville El Cerrito Hercules Lafayette Martinez Moraga Oakley Orinda Pinole Pittsburg Pleasant Hill Richmond San Pablo San Ramon Walnut Creek Crescent City Placerville South Lake Tahoe Clovis Coalinga Firebaugh Fowler Fresno Huron Kerman Kingsburg Mendota Orange Cove Parlier Reedley Sanger San Joaquin Selma Orland Willows Arcata Blue Lake Eureka Ferndale Fortuna Rio Dell Trinidad Brawley Calexico Calipatria El Centro Holtville Imperial Westmorland Bishop Arvin Arvin Bakersfield California City Delano Maricopa Mcfarland Ridgecrest Shafter Taft Tehachapi Wasco Avenal Corcoran Hanford Lemoore Clearlake Lakeport Susanville Agoura Hills Alhambra Arcadia Artesia Avalon Azusa Baldwin Park Bell Bellflower Bell Gardens Beverly Hills Bradbury Burbank Calabasas Carson Cerritos Claremont Commerce Compton Covina Cudahy Culver City Diamond Bar Downey Duarte El Monte El Segundo Gardena Glendale Glendora Hawaiian Gardens Hawthorne Hermosa Beach Hidden Hills Huntington Park Industry Inglewood Irwindale La Canada Flintridge La Habra Heights Lakewood La Mirada Lancaster La Puente La Verne Lawndale Lomita Long Beach Los Angeles Lynwood Malibu Manhattan Beach Maywood Monrovia Montebello Monterey Park Norwalk Palmdale Palos Verdes Estates Paramount Pasadena Pico Rivera Pomona Rancho Palos Verdes Redondo Beach Rolling Hills Rolling Hills Estates Rosemead San Dimas San Fernando San Gabriel San Marino Santa Clarita Santa Fe Springs Santa Monica Sierra Madre Signal Hill South El Monte South Gate South Pasadena Temple City Torrance Vernon Walnut West Covina West Hollywood Westlake Village Whittier Chowchilla Madera Belvedere Corte Madera Fairfax Larkspur Mill Valley Novato Ross San Anselmo San Rafael Sausalito Tiburon Fort Bragg Point Arena Ukiah Willits Atwater Dos Palos Gustine Livingston Los Banos Merced Alturas Mammoth Lakes Carmel-By-The-Sea Del Rey Oaks Gonzales Greenfield King City Marina Monterey Pacific Grove Salinas Sand City Seaside Soledad American Canyon Calistoga Napa St Helena Yountville Grass Valley Nevada City Truckee Aliso Viejo Anaheim Brea Buena Park Costa Mesa Cypress Dana Point Fountain Valley Fullerton Garden Grove Huntington Beach Irvine Laguna Beach Laguna Hills Laguna Niguel Laguna Woods La Habra Lake Forest La Palma Los Alamitos Mission Viejo Newport Beach Orange Placentia Rancho Santa Margarita San Clemente San Juan Capistrano Santa Ana Seal Beach Stanton Tustin Villa Park Westminster Yorba Linda Auburn Colfax Lincoln Loomis Rocklin Roseville Portola Banning Beaumont Blythe Calimesa Canyon Lake Cathedral City Coachella Corona Desert Hot Springs Eastvale Hemet Indian Wells Indio Jurupa Valley Lake Elsinore La Quinta Menifee Moreno Valley Murrieta Norco Palm Desert Palm Springs Perris Rancho Mirage Riverside San Jacinto Temecula Wildomar Citrus Heights Elk Grove Folsom Galt Isleton Rancho Cordova Sacramento Hollister San Juan Bautista Adelanto Apple Valley Barstow Big Bear Lake Chino Chino Hills Colton Fontana Grand Terrace Hesperia Highland Loma Linda Montclair Needles Ontario Rancho Cucamonga Redlands Rialto San Bernardino Twentynine Palms Upland Victorville Yucaipa Yucca Valley Carlsbad Chula Vista Coronado Del Mar El Cajon Encinitas Escondido Imperial Beach La Mesa Lemon Grove National City Oceanside Poway San Diego San Marcos Santee Solana Beach Vista San Francisco Escalon Lathrop Lodi Manteca Ripon Stockton Tracy Arroyo Grande Atascadero El Paso De Robles Grover Beach Morro Bay Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo Atherton Belmont Brisbane Burlingame Colma Daly City East Palo Alto Foster City Half Moon Bay Hillsborough Menlo Park Millbrae Pacifica Portola Valley Redwood City San Bruno San Carlos San Mateo South San Francisco Woodside Buellton Carpinteria Goleta Guadalupe Lompoc Santa Barbara Santa Maria Solvang Campbell Cupertino Gilroy Los Altos Los Altos Hills Los Gatos Milpitas Monte Sereno Morgan Hill Mountain View Palo Alto San Jose Santa Clara Saratoga Sunnyvale Capitola Santa Cruz Scotts Valley Watsonville Anderson Redding Shasta Lake Loyalton Dorris Dunsmuir Etna Fort Jones Montague Mount Shasta Tulelake Weed Yreka Benicia Dixon Fairfield Rio Vista Suisun City Vacaville Vallejo Cloverdale Cotati Healdsburg Petaluma Rohnert Park Santa Rosa Sebastopol Sonoma Windsor Ceres Hughson Modesto Newman Oakdale Patterson Riverbank Turlock Waterford Live Oak Yuba City Corning Red Bluff Tehama Dinuba Exeter Farmersville Lindsay Porterville Tulare Visalia Woodlake Sonora Camarillo Fillmore Moorpark Ojai Oxnard Port Hueneme Santa Paula Simi Valley Thousand Oaks Ventura Davis West Sacramento Winters Woodland Marysville Wheatland Las Vegas Henderson Reno North Las Vegas Paradise Spring Valley Sunrise Manor Enterprise Sparks Carson City Whitney Pahrump Winchester Summerlin South Sun Valley Elko Fernley Mesquite Spanish Springs Boulder City Spring Creek Gardnerville Ranchos Cold Springs Dayton Incline Village Fallon
Laughlin Winnemucca Moapa Valley Gardnerville Indian Hills Johnson Lane Lemmon Valley Silver Springs West Wendover Ely Battle Mountain Nellis AFB Minden Yerington Hawthorne Washoe Valley Kingsbury Carlin Tonopah Lovelock Stagecoac Sandy Valley Topaz Ranch Estates Smith Valley East Valley Bunkerville Pioche Mogul Ruhenstroth Golden Valley Verd Jackpot Panaca Owyhee Alamo Schurz Wells Round Hill Village Stateline McGill Caliente Indian Springs Beatty Wadsworth 792Virginia City Grass Valley Moapa Town Genoa Fish Springs Osino Eureka and Crescent Valley Carter Springs Fallon Station Zephyr Cove Mount Charleston Lakeridge Fort McDermitt Blue Diamond Dyer Skyland Searchlight Walker Lake Goldfield Sutcliffe Lamoille Double Spring Glenbrook Nixon Imlay Topaz Lake Crystal Bay Mina TIE Humboldt River Ranch and Silver City Silver Peak Empire Ruth McDermitt Austin Cal-Nev-Ari TIE Gabbs and Lund Kingston Valmy Golconda Rachel Orovada Hiko Montello Baker Paradise Valley Bennett Springs Oasis Logan Creek TIE Gerlach and Nelson Beaverdam Preston Mitotech Skq1 Vizomitin



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